Silver - £10 -1 Piece of custom clothing Or prio| Discord badge | Discord role
Gold - £30 - Jug suit with helmet | Discord badge | Discord Room/Badge
Diamond - £40 - 1 Custom gun skins | Discord badge | Discord Room/Badge
Unstoppable - £100 - Full gear set of custom clothing, 2 Custom gun skins and 8 prio slots | Discord badge | Discord Room/Badge
NO clothing will be given to you. all clothing will be customed by us with the logo or deisgn you desire. and you will have to use the traders in-game to accuire them.
All items created will be avalible for everyone that plays. This is to ensure donators and non donators are equal to one and other.
Once you have donated please join the server discord and open a ticket with proof of purchase!
All donations are non-refundable.
We currently pay someone to create the textures. so prices might change over time depending on our texture dev!